May and June are for Grads and Dads – and rodeos, barbecues and outdoor fun! Your local Rainbow is the place to find unique gifts for your favorite folks, and some cool new fashions for yourself. This week, save $10 on every $50 Clothing purchase, with this week’s Hot Buy. Good May 21 through 27 only.
Enjoying the May flowers? That extra long winter really paid off with the blooms, green hillsides, singing birds and happy trees, but everyone with outdoor pets knows what comes next – foxtail season! As the grasses dry up and the seed heads mature, keep an eye on your pets and check for foxtails in their coats, paws, ears and eyes. Foxtails can get anywhere and left untreated can cause abscesses, pain and even death. In our area, there is another plant seed that is dangerous in the same way: Filaree, or “Stork Bill.” These seed heads, when green, are long and pointy (hence the name Stork Bill) but as they dry they become a spiral which tightens when dry but unwinds with moisture. As the spiral unwinds, it drives the pointed seed head into the soil. Unfortunately, these seeds act the same way in a pet’s fur, unwinding and pushing the detachable seed head into the skin. Filaree is native to California and found nearly everywhere, so be aware when outdoors with your pets and act quickly if your notice head shaking, scratching, tipping an ear or licking at paws. Foxtail and Filaree are out in abundance and sending out seeds right now.
(Interesting fact: Filaree is actually an edible plant that tastes like parsley. It is perfectly edible for livestock especially when young). Learn More
Today! Ukiah! It’s Rabbit Day! Learn all you want to know about bunnies at this fun event at the Ukiah Rainbow store. Presented by local 4H Rabbit group members, there will be stations to learn about breeds of rabbits, showmanship, judging and health care. If you or your youngsters are considering taking up the rabbit hobby, stop by and get all the details.
Join us for the Grand Opening of the Rainbow Brickyard, June 24 at the Ukiah store. If you have plans for sprucing up your yard or patio, check out the new Brickyard supplies. Pavers, fire pits, retaining walls and more – have your patio ready for entertaining with Brickyard paving systems.
If you keep backyard chickens you are probably enjoying an abundance of fresh eggs! We all like to treat our hens right – hey, they give us eggs! – and here is a neat way to do it. The Texas Chicken Busy Bag will hold fruit and veggies for the hens to peck – simple and clean. Just fill the net and hang where your chickens can reach it!

Trivia. Win a Rainbow Coupon good for $15.00 off any purchase!
The April question was, Are pet ducks welcome in Rainbow stores? Well as the photo proved, the answer is YES! Our winner is Patrice Brint.
This month’s question is, Along with Foxtails, what is another local plant that can cause problems with our pets?