Summer is officially here! Time to get out in the sunshine and enjoy life with our pets. Whether you are lounging on the deck, playing in the pool, or barbecuing in the backyard, you will probably have a furry sidekick or three hanging out with you. Make the most of the summer, but be prepared. Wildfire season arrives with the hot weather and this year it is already causing evacuations and destruction in neighboring counties. Get information and tips for hardening your home and property, preparing a Go Bag and making an evacuation plan at Ready For Wildfire (https://readyforwildfire.org/). There are downloadable checklists, advice for talking to children about wildfires, what to do when the power goes off, and of course, dealing with pets and livestock. Now is the time to prepare and stock up on anything you might need in an emergency.
Did you know that cats can get sunburned? Their ear tips and noses are very vulnerable, especially for white and light-colored cats. The best way to avoid sunburn is to keep your kitty indoors during the sunny parts of the day. Summer heat can be a hazard to all of our pets and providing clean water, shade and cool spots to rest are important. Even indoor cats can be troubled by heat, as they often like to lay in sunny windows. If you are caring for a colony of feral cats, remember that their usual water sources may dry up in the summer. Put bowls of water out in shady places and clean them often to encourage cats to drink.
Learn 12 tips for keeping your cat cool this summer, in this article courtesy of Wellness Pet Food.
One way to encourage your cat to drink more is to provide running water. Kitty fountain drinkers are available in a variety of designs and the gently trickling water entices them to hydrate more.
Check out the two super deals going on now through the end of June in the Astro program – just sign up at Rainbow and earn FREE pet food! Save on large bags of Natural Balance and Canidae Dog Food until June 30! You can also buy a big bag and save, then donate it to one of the local shelters or rescues. We know that all the shelters and rescues are over-full and all donations are greatly appreciated. There are donation bins near the door of your local Rainbow Ag!
I Scream. You Scream. We All Scream for Ice Cream! Or maybe we Bark, Woof or Yip for Ice Cream? Save the date! You and your pup won’t want to miss the Ice Cream Social, on July 19th! Come into Rainbow for a free ice cream treat for your favorite doggo. Bring some home for a cool treat all the time. Take a look in the freezer case!
The Lakeport Rainbow store won a Silver Kong! Wow! Only 9 Silver Kongs are awarded in the nation (someone got the one Gold Kong too) and that means on Kong Day in August, there will be even more awesome deals as the Lakeport store, with a huge variety of Kong toys. Watch for the date of Kong Day (at all three Rainbow stores) and congratulate the Lakeport staff for their award.
It is Fair Season! Rainbow has “Whites” for our 4H and FFA youth showmen, and cool summer fashions for you supporters and spectators too. Get ready for the Fair with supplies for whatever kind of animal you are showing. Rainbow will be at the Fairs bidding and supporting our local youth too. Be sure to say hi!
Trivia – Enter to win a $15.00 Rainbow Coupon. All correct answers go into a random drawing.
The May question was, True or False – Rabbits and Chickens handle hot weather very well. The correct answer is False – we need to take special care of our small animal pets during hot weather. Our winner is Weslie Hall.
The June question is, What did the Lakeport store win?