The sunny days have given us some time to dry out, but winter isn’t over yet!
If you need some cozy gear, check out the after-New-Year’s Clearance at Rainbow. There is a good selection of jackets, vests and sweatshirts 40% Off! And save big with mark-downs on holiday décor and holiday pet toys!
Don’t miss the in-store savings of 50% Off This & That Cat and Dog Treats – stock up for your best friends!

Outdoor animals need some extra help this time of year. For feral or barn cats, having a safe, warm place to sleep can be crucial to their health and survival. Providing shelter protects them from the elements and predators. For barn cats, making some space in stacked hay can provide a cozy nest, or you could make a simple cat shelter out of an old cooler, tub or box. For bedding, the best choice is straw, which is good insulation and doesn’t have stickers or seeds that can embed in a cat’s fur. Blankets, towels or other fabric becomes damp from condensation and then doesn’t stay warm. Position the cat shelter in a dry location such as a shed or garage, or water-proof the shelter by putting it in a heavy-duty garbage bag and using duct tape to secure it. You can also repurpose an old dog house with a few modifications, such as making the entry smaller (use heavy cardboard, Styrofoam sheets or wood) and adding some dry straw.
- Watch a Youtube video on how to build a simple feral cat shelter
- Read an article from Alley Cat Allies about building shelters
If you are caring for a colony of feral cats, one of the most important things you can do is trap, neuter and release. An altered cat will keep the rodent population under control, but not increase the problem by producing kittens! The Mendocino County Animal Shelter will spay or neuter feral cats for free IF you return the cat to the location it has been living. Call them at 463-4427 or 467-6453 prior to trapping the cat or bringing it to the shelter, so they can schedule. You can also contact SNAP (Spay Neuter Assistance Program) for assistance. SNAP is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that provides direct financial assistance to those people who are caring for animals and cannot afford the fees. Help keep the unhoused kitties in our communities health and the populations under control.
Coming soon to a Rainbow near you – Just Listen! – PEEP PEEP PEEP! Yes, Chicks will be in the stores soon. Did you know that you can special order chicks in a variety of breeds, to suit your style? The British Poultry Society recognizes 93 pure chicken breeds, and there are also classic American heritage breeds, some of whose history goes back to our founding fathers. You can also special order turkeys, ducks, and other specialty fowl. What type of poultry do you want to add to the flock? Just let the friendly staff at Rainbow know and you could have new Peeps too!
Trivia! Here’s to the first Trivia question of the year!
Enter to win a $15 Rainbow Coupon, good on any purchase at Rainbow stores. All correct answers will go into a random drawing.
The December question was, According to a study released in 2017, what percentage of dogs are overweight in the US? The correct answer if 56% and our winner is Charlene Zanella.
January’s question is, what is the recommended bedding for a feral cat shelter?