Hard to believe it is back to school time, but here it is! As the days grow shorter and we all start thinking about pumpkin spice lattes and cooler days, it is important to remember that here in Northern California, there will still be very hot days and high fire danger. Many of the worst wildfires in this area, have happened in the fall. If you have not already packed a go-bag for yourself, your family and your pets, now is the time to do it!
A pet’s go-bag should include your pet’s veterinary records, bottled water, one to two weeks’ worth of food, bowls, blankets, leash, collar or harness, medications and emergency contacts and a flashlight with extra batteries. Another important item is a recent photo of you and your pet together. This is vital should you have to identify your pet and prove ownership. Some appropriate cleaning products and sanitizers are helpful, and you might want to toss in a favorite toy or an item of your clothing so that can help calm your pet if they have to stay someplace away from you. If you already have a go-bag set up, remember to refresh the perishable items such as kibble and update any veterinary records or contact information that may have changed.
You can download a handy Pet Disaster Checklist for Dogs and Cats from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) Here.

Back to School means new clothes, new backpacks and new lunchboxes … Hydro Flasks make excellent lunch box additions, whether you are keeping milk cold or soup hot! There are options for all of your food storage needs, from bowls to mugs to wine tumblers (for celebrating the kids going back to school!). Check out the huge selection of Hydro Flask styles and new colors, just in time for Fall!
Cool New Stuff At Your Local Rainbow Store …
The recent very-hot days have effected many of our outdoor activities, especially with our pets. If you are heading outside for a last walk before bed, another critter to consider is the rattlesnake. On hot days, snakes tend to stay quiet in a shaded, cool spot but they get more active and go out to feed as the evening gets cooler. Reports indicate that there have been more rattlesnake encounters after dark on hot days than usual. Carry a flashlight and use caution when outdoors after twilight. Rattlesnakes are generally shy but they don’t like being stepped on!
If you find a rattlesnake in your yard or property and need help removing it, contact Mendo-Lake Rattlesnake Removal and Relocation Services. Rattlesnakes are one of the species of animal in California that are actually increasing in numbers, thanks to the drier, hotter climate. Mendo-Lake Rattlesnake will even come to your home or property to do an assessment on potential rattlesnake habitat. Contact them through their Mendo-Lake Rattlesnake Facebook page or at 707 472 8699.
A Plea for Help from our local animal shelters!
The shelters are full and Fosters and Adopters are desperately needed. If you have room in your home and heart to help a homeless pet, please contact your local shelter. Volunteers and donations are always welcome!
Donate or help at any of the local shelters. There are also donation bins for food and supplies at Rainbow stores.
Humane Society of Inland Mendocino County
Mendocino Animal Shelter
Lake County Animal Care & Control
Mendocino Coast Humane Society
Clearlake Animal Care & Control
Trivia! Enter to win a $15.00 Coupon good at any Rainbow store. All correct answers are entered into a random drawing.
The July question was, What do Round Robin contestants show? Sheila Gatton is the winner, with the correct answer that in Round Robin, each contestant shows many different animals.
This month’s question, What is one vital item to have in your pets’ go-bag?