November – Here come the Holidays like a galloping herd!
Looking for some equine activities that can take place during winter weather and dark evenings? Rainbow and Purina are teaming up to present a meeting each month through the winter, offering educational and fun gatherings. The first Meeting took place on October 20th at White Dog Ranch in Potter Valley. Horse lovers of all ages met Mendocino County’s newest mobile veterinarian, Dr. Jamie Connors, and learned how to take their horse’s vital signs and evaluate wellness. The attendees were also treated to a presentation by Purina Equine Specialist, Lauren Traynor Nieman who talked about preparing your horse for winter.
Equine Meetings are scheduled for the upcoming months. Keep an eye on the Ukiah Rainbow store’s Facebook page for dates and locations.
Have you ever considered adopting a horse or pony in need? Then you will be interested in this fun event – the All Hands Equine Rescue Open House, on Saturday November 5 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, also at White Dog Ranch in Potter Valley.
Come meet the horses and ponies that are available for adoption, enjoy refreshments, check out the tack sale and learn about our own local Equine Rescue. All Hands Rescue has been instrumental in managing the famed Robinson Creek Ponies, the local feral herd that resides in the hills west of Ukiah. Donations and volunteers are always welcome!
All Hands Equine Rescue
The first frost of the year is here – it’s time to deworm your horses, right? Maybe, and maybe not! Horse owners tend to follow tradition, and many of us were taught to follow rotational deworming schedules. But, these protocols were developed during the 1960s (over 50 years ago!) and are not what is recommended by veterinarians today. Deworming programs should be individualized for your horse and his environment.
“Many horse owners were taught to do rotational deworming. People are notoriously slow to adopt new information even when that information is 100 percent correct,” observes David Ramey, DVM, whose practice, Ramey Equine, has been based in the Los Angeles, California, area since 1987. Ramey’s equine patients include breeds from warmbloods to mini donkeys, ranging from world champion show horses to backyard companions.
Ramey encourages horse owners to follow strategic deworming guidelines, which focus on using fecal testing and deworming according to those results so that each horse is only treated when necessary.
READ ARTICLE: Horse Dewormers: Is Your Protocol Up to Date, or Outdated? (Farnam)
Rain is on the way (we sure hope so!) Be prepared with warm, waterproof winter gear from Rainbow! Boots, rain wear, warm socks and beanies in a huge variety of colors will make your outdoors chores a cozy affair – for every member of your family! Take a look at the cute Kids and Toddlers clothing. Your little one will stay snug and darling in boots and outerwear just for them!
New in the Stores:
Aches and bruises – they are part of our lives when we work on the ranch, haul hay, and muck stalls! Ease those minor pains with Vetericyn Horse & Rider Liniment. That’s right, one liniment for both you and your equine friend. Available in 4 oz bottles, perfect to stow in the glove box of the truck, or the tack box in the trailer.
Thanksgiving is coming right up and you know what happens after that … Black Friday! Rainbow will have “Black Friday” all weekend long. Shop local and support the businesses that support our community. Watch for the deals and get that Holiday shopping done in a flash. Don’t forget the Gift and Home Decor departments at Rainbow – decorate your home and barn with fun Western-flavor Holiday decorations!
Enter to win a $15.00 Rainbow Coupon, good on any purchase at any Rainbow store!
The October question was, what percentage of horses infected with pigeon fever, actually have a fever? The correct answer, provided by Sadie Giordanengo, is only 25% of infected horses run a high temperature!
This month’s question is, which rescue organization has been instrumental in helping the Robinson Creek Pony herd?