Happy Shedding Season, horse lovers! As the days get longer, our horses start to lose those fuzzy-wuzzy coats and we get to see the shiny results! But, a little grooming time can make a huge difference in how quickly we can actually enjoy those slick coats. Check out this Spring Clean Your Horse checklist and be ready to ride.

This month’s subscriber coupon is for savings on any Vetericyn product. Vetericyn® is committed to developing the most safe, effective, and innovative animal wellness products in the world. Their products are proudly made and manufactured in the USA under strict quality guidelines, and can be used on horses, dogs, cats and other animals. From antimicrobial wound and skin care, to hoof care and eye/ear care, Vetericyn should have a spot in your tack room, horse trailer, and grooming tote! Save 20% on any Vetericyn product (in stock) at Rainbow Ag. Just download your coupon!
Events: Twinings Pasture is hosting some fun events this spring!
- April 16 & 17 (Easter Weekend) Obstacle Clinic with Coni Lehr. Sign up soon, these clinics are limited to 10 people a day and fill up fast. The program will be the same on both days, so you will probably want to sign up for one or the other. Cost is $130 per person for the day. This clinic will help develop skills that improve your general horsemanship and communication with your horse as well as to help you prep for our May 14 & 15 competition. This will be similar in scope to Coni’s February clinic in Cool. https://www.facebook.com/coni.lehr Limited space available, pre-registration required. Contact Coni Lehr for more info and registration. 916-975-5426 or conilehr@gmail.com
- May 14 & 15 Equine Trail Sports Obstacle and trail competition. Family oriented fun competition that encourages good horsemanship. Novice, intermediate and advanced. Call Eloise 415-613-1745 for more information or sign up at https://www.equinetrailsports.com/ Pre-registration strongly recommended.
- June 10 thru 12 Redwood Regional Riders is planning a public Trail Ride. People love this ride and it is great to meet wonderful new friends out on the trail! Contact: Kristi Licu 707-529-8245 krisfame0911@gmail.com

Happening soon at your local Rainbow store – Saturday March 12 it’s the annual Poultry Party! Come in to save on all poultry feed and supplies, learn about how to care for your flock from the Purina experts and choose a new chick or three! Did you know that having chickens around the barn cuts down on the insect population, including flies? Chickens will scatter the manure so that it dries out (fewer fly larva if they are exposed to the sunlight) and eat flies and larva. Chickens and horses have also become fast friends – one option if you have just one lonely horse!
It is weed mowing season too. Check out the new lines of battery-powered mowers, string trimmers and leaf blowers, to speed up your yard work without the noise, fumes and gasoline-mixing of the traditional outdoor power equipment. New ride-on mowers are arriving in the stores now – including the zero-turn Club Cadet battery powered pro mower. Mow 2 acres on one battery charge!

The Potter Valley Rodeo is beginning the search for the 2022 Potter Valley Rodeo Queen! Interested contestants can contact Kayla Delbar at 707 391 7509 for complete information. The Potter Valley Rodeo will be returning to its original dates of Memorial Day Weekend – May 27 – 30 – and they would love to see you all there! Support our local communities and enjoy a CCRPA and Junior Rodeo, BBQ, Parade, Moonlight Dance and more as Potter Valley welcomes the return of the traditional Spring Festival and Rodeo, Memorial Day Weekend, May 27 – 30.

Trivia! All correct answers are entered into a random drawing for a $15.00 Rainbow Coupon!
Last month, we asked, What triggers a horse to shed his winter coat? Our winner is June Richmond, with the correct answer that length of daylight causes horses to start shedding their winter hair. Congratulations!
The March question is, How many acres can a Club Cadet Battery Mower cut in one charge?